I was looking forward for my trip to Pulau Ketam since it was canceled earlier due to raining season. Well, my trip was delayed only for a week. Although I was afraid that I will need to cancel my trip again ,but the weather turns out to be perfect, not to hot though. I am not going to write much about Pulau Ketam 's history and if you want to know more about the history of the Crab Island, visit their website at:
How to get there?
From Port Klang, take a ferry to Pulau Ketam. For more details/ferry's schedule,visit: http://www.pulauketam.com/pulauketam/en/pkferry.html
- If you are driving, the easiest route would be Federal Highway. From Federal Highway, head all the way to Klang, follow the signboard- Port Klang, which is also the SOUTH PORT, situated across the last KTM Terminal.
- The other alternative is to go by KTM Komuter. Refer pic as below.
From Port Klang, take a ferry to Pulau Ketam. For more details/ferry's schedule,visit: http://www.pulauketam.com/pulauketam/en/pkferry.html
Disclaimer: Please note that the following information as shared below are based on my personal observations and experience, all facts provided are not extracted from other data sources.
Self preparation(before you go)
- a hat/ an umbrella - Sediakan payung sebelum hujan!!
- 1 bottle of minyak cap kapak/ any other ointment- you might not like the smell of dried shrimps at the jetty
- a lot of stamina if you cannot cycle, cause you got to walk around
- 90% of stamina of "a lot of stamina" as stated above, if you can cycle
- still a lot of stamina if you are someone like me who seldom exercise (seldom/don't??)
- wear thicker pants if you know how to cycle, their sponge on their bicycle sits are too thin
- an empty stomach to eat
- drink less water, you might not like toilets in Pulau Ketam
Upon reaching Pulau Ketam, walk further in and you will see Hotel Sea Lion on your right, rent a bicycle there at RM5/bicycle. And on your left will be Restuarant Kuai Lok Hiong, which is a recommended restaurant. for seafood. Unfortunately, it was closed on the day we visited Pulau Ketam , so we asked the owner of Hotel Sea Lion to recommend us a restaurant.
My observations
- It's definitely a fishing village
- It's an island with very basic facilities
- It's a Hire Purchase Loan Free Island( scroll down, you will know why)
- It's a cash term island, you don’t need so much cash either
- It's not a shopping paradise, unless you like to shop for seafood/dry condiments
- No sand beaches
- No banks
- No landed properties ONLY floating houses noted, as it is an island full or mangrove swamp
- Our pasar malam stalls are longer than their town
- Males are more than females
- 95% of their population are chinese
- Out of 95% of the chinese population 95% are hokkiens
- even their ringing tones are hokkien songs
I mentioned earlier that Pulau Ketam is a Hire Purchase (Car) Loan Free Island, cause there are no cars and motorcycle allowed in this island. The only motored sort of vehicle you can see will be this:
Motored cart
I had experinced a great trip and if you like to visit Pulau Ketam , I suggest to go in a bigger group, there are tour packages available and if you are interested, here is the link:
Next post will be my seafood lunch at Pulau Ketam!
Next post will be my seafood lunch at Pulau Ketam!
Good information!!! I always wanted to go Pulau Ketam but somehow always tak jadi. I heard they have this baked crab rice which is very nice. Can't wait to see your next post on lunch.
Hi there...thanks for dropping by... am really happy to see your comment.. didn't manage to try the baked crab rice though :(
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